Mount Sion GAA Club Notes
Halloween Academy
A great morning of Halloween fun was had by our young players at the academy on Saturday morning last, well done to all involved who put in the work ensuring the boys had an enjoyable morning’s training and to the coaches who got in on the act with some very imaginative costumes !Mount Sion Story
We have an enquiry from Jim Murphy who is looking to buy a copy of the “Mount Sion Story”, the comprehensive history of Mount Sion GAA club from 1932 to 2002 written by the late and sadly missed Dickie Roche, Jim was wondering if anyone might have a spare copy around the house that they’d be willing to sell, Jim can be contacted at or 087 6758221, thanks in advance.Camogie
Training now stopped until the new year for anyone who trains in the astro turf on Monday’s 6-7. The older girls (Kate’s group) will still continue for another few weeks weather permitting.
Thanks to everyone this year for all their support through the tough times. We will be back bigger and stronger next year.
The 10-14 group are still training on Tuesdays 6-7pm.
Our masks are now ready for collection, there are still a few left for anyone who wishes to buy one, contact the camogie fb page please.
Munster Championship
Well done to the Waterford Hurlers on their excellent win against Cork in Semple stadium on Saturday, best wishes to all involved against Limerick in the Munster final in two weeks.Last Man Standing
Not many left in the Last Man Standing after this weeks games, check out the updated table on the website to see who’s left in the game, don’t forget to get your teams into Kenny before Friday.Deise Draw
There are three more Deise Draws remaining for 2020 and tickets are still available, please contact Kenny Stafford or any member of the executive.Development
We would ask those that have not yet paid the annual membership of €150 which includes entry in to the Deise Draw to do so please.We would ask as many members as possible to join the Development Donation scheme, at this current time our only revenue is the scheme and membership. Anyone wishing to pay membership or join the Donation Scheme please contact any committee member.