Josh Fanning
Q1. Nickname: “Mini Naz”
Q2. Favourite Position: Half back.
Q3. Club Honours: 3 John Keane Runners up medals.
Q4. When and where did you first play hurling (who was your coach, friend etc.) In Mount Sion School Yard with Peter Walsh as my coach!
Q5. Other interests or hobbies apart from Gaa? Soccer, golf, playing with my friends and X-Box!
Q6. Heroes: Tony Browne and Ken McGrath
Q7. What is your Biggest Fear? Jumping over and jumping down off high spots!!
Q8. What is your Favourite Food? Pasta, Rice, and Rashers!!
Q9. What is your Favourite Film? James Bond – Casino Royal!
Q10. What is your Favourite Music? Anything would do me.
Q11. What is your Favourite Holiday Destination? Spain or Bulgaria!
Q12. Best sporting event Watched/Witnessed: Minor Hurling Final Replay in 2008 with Mount Sion and Ballygunner!! We won!!
Q13. Best Mount Sion memory? Playing Under 10 in Newtownshandrum, just after coming back from a broken wrist!
Q14. What has been your greatest moment in sport? Taking part in three John Keane Cups!!
Q15. What is your favourite Hurling ground? Mount Sion Hurling Field!!
Q16. What celebrity do you think you most look like and why? The Kid from Home Alone, he had big eyes, like me!!
Q17. What is your favourite subject in school? Why? P.E. – Because you don’t have to do any work!!
Q18. Marooned on a desert island what could you not be without? My Hurley, Sliothar, iPod and a T.V.
Q19. Least memorable game and why? Playing a tournament in Glen Rovers Gaa, Co. Cork!
Q20. If you were an animal, what kind would you be? A Bear!!! Rawr!!!
Q21. In your opinion what is the worst invention ever created? Why? The iPhone!! There’s a different one every year!! Confusion!!!
Q22. What is your secret skill? Striking the ball!!
Q23. If you had 3 people around for dinner, who would they be and why? Jack Meaney because he my best mate, Tony Browne because he’s a tank and Wayne Rooney, for me and Jack to have a game of ball with!!
Q24. Who is/was the funniest on your team? Why? Conor Meaney – he’s always late for training!
Q25. If you could go back in time, where would you go? The good owl days where they wore Paddy Caps for helmets!!
Q26. If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional with whom would it be? Why? Jack Meaney – to see what life is like in the Meaney house!!
Q27. What rule would you change in the GAA and why? The rule if you hit the ball and lands in the square, stupid rule!!
Q28. Who do you admire most in Mount Sion, why? Pat “The Cat” – because he is a great hurler!!
Q29. What are your Ambitions in Life? Try and win an All Ireland with Waterford!
Q30. In ten years time, I hope to be ……… Play with Mount Sion Seniors!