Andrew Doherty
Q1. Nickname: “Andy”
Q2. Favourite Position: Half Back
Q3. Club Honours: Under 14 county Final, 11 City League, Under 16 County Final 2010, Under 16 Eastern 2010, Bray Emmett’s Mini All Ireland – Under 12, Under 12 Football.
Q4. When and where did you first play hurling (who was your coach, friend etc.)? When I was about 8 with most of my friends in my class.
Q5. Other interests or hobbies apart from Gaa? Soccer (Man Utd), Girlfriend, being in Mount Sion with my friends.
Q6. Heroes: Wayne Rooney, Alex Ferguson, and of course Dylan Sheridan!!
Q7. What is your Biggest Fear? Cian O’ Regan!!
Q8. What is your Favourite Food? Chicken Curry!
Q9. What is your Favourite Film? The Hangover, Green Street, Due Date.
Q10. What is your Favourite Music? Eminem, Tinnie Tempeh, Kasabian, Artic Monkeys.
Q11. What is your Favourite Holiday Destination? Turkey and Manchester!
Q12. Best sporting event Watched/Witnessed: Waterford v Tipperary in the 2008 All Ireland Semi-Final!
Q13. Best Mount Sion memory? Munster Club 2002!
Q14. What has been your greatest moment in sport? Under 11 City League!!
Q15. What is your favourite Hurling ground? Pairc ÓFaininn (Mount Sion)!
Q16. What celebrity do you think you most look like and why? Ronaldo because I’m as fast as he is and I obviously look like him!!
Q17. What is your favourite subject in school? Why? History, I love Irish history!!
Q18. Marooned on a desert island what could you not be without? My bed and Girlfriend!!
Q19. Least memorable game and why? Under 14 Feile against De La Salle worst match I’ve ever played in!!
Q20. If you were an animal, what kind would you be? A wolf!
Q21. In your opinion what is the worst invention ever created? Why? Ps3 because its nothing compared to x-box!!
Q22. What is your secret skill? Pool – because I always wins the lads!
Q23. If you had 3 people around for dinner, who would they be and why? Alex Ferguson, Wayne Rooney and Dylan Sheridan so we all can slag him for Loving Liverpool!!
Q24. Who is/was the funniest on your team? Why? Conor Butler because he says the most random things!
Q25. If you could go back in time, where would you go? To see if Jesus was real!!
Q26.If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional with whom would it be? Why? Wayne Rooney to see what it is like to play at Trafford!!
Q27. Who do you admire most in Mount Sion, why? All the Managers we have had for trying their best with us and giving up their time to help us.
Q28. What are your Ambitions in Life? Have a good job and life!!
Q29. In ten years time, I hope to be ……… Playing Senior for Mount Sion and Waterford!