Dylan Sheridan
Q1. Nickname: Shero/Lar
Q2. Favourite Position: Keeper or Corner Forward
Q3. Club Honours: 1 Under 11 City League, 1 Under 11 County Ground Hurling, 1 Under 13 C Football, 3 Yard Hurling Leagues and 1 John Keane Tournament.
Q4. When and where did you first play hurling (who was your coach, friend etc.) In Mount Sion when I was 4 or 5 with all the lads in my class.
Q5. Other interests or hobbies apart from Gaa? Young Ones, Rugby and Liverpool FC.
Q6. Heroes: Pádraig Pierce, Tony Browne, Brendan Cummins, Barack Obama, Kenny Daglish and Paul McCartney.
Q7. What is your Biggest Fear? Aidan Power after a night out!
Q8. What is your Favourite Food? Ribs from the Mount Sion Ladies! mmmmm
Q9. What is your Favourite Film? Armageddon
Q10. What is your Favourite Music? Coldplay or U2
Q11. What is your Favourite Holiday Destination? Florida
Q12. Best sporting event Watched/Witnessed: Liverpool v AC Milan in 2005 Champions League!
Q13. Best Mount Sion memory? Has to be seeing Mount Sion beat Ballygunner in the 2011 Senior Hurling Championship!
Q14. What has been your greatest moment in sport? Winning the Under 11 City League and drinking cidona out of the cup afterwards!
Q15. What is your favourite Hurling ground? Pairc Ó Faininn (Mount Sion)
Q16. What celebrity do you think you most look like and why? Brad Pitt for obvious reasons!!
Q17. What is your favourite subject in school? Why? SPHE – because of the hardwork!
Q18. Marooned on a desert island what could you not be without? My Liverpool Jacket!
Q19. Least memorable game and why? Under 13 Championship play-off v Roanmore in 2010 – terrible performance!
Q20. If you were an animal, what kind would you be? Chihuahna.
Q21. In your opinion what is the worst invention ever created? Why? All the bad referees!!! I won’t name names!!!
Q22. What is your secret skill? Fierce Chef!!
Q23. If you had 3 people around for dinner, who would they be and why? Kenny Daglish for being a legend, Stephen Hawking for the banter and Eric Hoban to make fun of Hawking!
Q24. What is your favourite television programme? Big Bang Theory.
Q25. If you could go back in time, where would you go? Back to see if Jesus was real!
Q26. If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional with whom would it be? Why? Justin Bieber, just to have all the young ones after me like mad!
Q27. What rule would you change in the GAA and why? To get 2 points for a sideline, amazing how people do it!
Q28. Who do you admire most in Mount Sion, why? All the coaches that I’ve ever had and will have. They sacrifice a lot of their own time to help us.
Q29. What are your Ambitions in Life? Got to college, get a job and travel the world.
Q30. In ten years time, I hope to be ……… Alive and well, hopefully out of college and have a good job!