Mount Sion GAA Club Notes
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Sport Ireland Diversity and Inclusion Policy: Survey
Sport Ireland recognises that sport can make an important contribution to economic and social cohesion and a more integrated society by using the potential of sport for social inclusion, integration and equal opportunities, whilst emphasising the total unacceptability of discrimination in any form. In order to broaden the scope of our work in the area of Diversity and Inclusion, Sport Ireland is seeking to develop a Diversity and Inclusion policy, the content of which will be informed by a widespread consultation and research process. The Diversity and Inclusion policy document will include tangible targets and actions areas against which Sport Ireland, its funded organisations and partners can work to promote inclusion and respect diversity in relation to participation in sport and physical activity. The specific focus groups for this research are: people with a disability, LGBTI+ community and minority ethnic communities including Travellers. The research seeks to ensure that the voices of these groups are heard and that their feedback will help to shape the Diversity and Inclusion Policy and future projects/ initiatives:
- Organisation survey:
- Individual survey:
Foróige Careers Seminars
Career Coaching Clinics will allow young people to ask mentors questions about professions they may be considering for the future. Many young people have missed out on work experience and will be considering different subjects that will guide their career choices. The aim of the Clinic is to demonstrate that career paths can vary and to allow young people an opportunity to hear different professional experiences from the same field. Real stories in an interactive platform that will inform, encourage and inspire. See attached poster for more information. You can register through Eventbrite @
We would ask as many members as possible to join the Development Donation scheme, at this current time our only revenue is this scheme and membership. Anyone wishing to pay membership or join the Donation Scheme please contact Peter Walsh.