Mount Sion GAA Club Notes
Well Kids
The Well Kids programme started on Saturday morning and what a great first day we had! A big thank you to all our kids, families, coaches and everyone who helped make this a special day for our kids, thanks also to Ed Cullen for his brilliant video on the day which can be seen on all our social media channels, see you all next week!Juvenile Training
Training Times
Times for our juvenile training are as follows,4,5 & 6 Year Olds – Saturday 10am to 10.45am – All weather Pitch
7 Year Olds – Saturday 11am to 12pm – All Weather Pitch, Wednesday 6-7pm
8 & 9 Year Olds – Saturday 11-12pm – Club Pitch , Wednesday 6-7pm
10 & 11 Year Olds – Saturday 11-12pm Club Pitch , Wednesday 6-7pm.
Training for our younger girls 4 to 12 year olds goes ahead on Monday 6-7 , training for the older girls 13-16 is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-7.We have added a new day for our girls born 2013/2014 on Thursdays 6-7pm also. New members always welcome, see our Facebook page for details. Please complete the health questionnaire before coming up and each child must have their own water bottle. We ask all parents to adopt the drop and go policy and to maintain social distance at all times.
Ladies Football
Ladies Football training continues on Wednesdays and Fridays, as always girls from 15 up to 18(this year) are more than welcome to come up and get involved,Membership
Membership/juvenile registration is now live and can be done through the Clubforce app or by following the link below. Clubforce Registration. Thanks to everyone who has paid their membership already, our club registrar Paul Galgey is available to answer any questions regarding membership and is available for anyone who may not be able to pay online, he can also answer questions about the 5 and 10 year membership schemes.Development
We would ask as many members as possible to join the Development Donation scheme, at this current time our only revenue is this scheme and membership. Anyone wishing to pay membership or join the Donation Scheme please contact Peter Walsh.